"Joking Hazard" is a party card game developed by Cyanide & Happiness, which is a popular webcomic and animated series known for its dark and satirical humor. The game is designed for 3 to 10 players and is focused on creating humorous and often absurd comic strips. Here's how the game works: Setup: Each player is dealt seven random panel cards from the deck, and a judge for the round is chosen. Gameplay: The judge draws a random card from the deck to serve as the starting panel of the comic. The other players then select one panel card from their hand to add to the comic in an attempt to create the funniest, most absurd, or entertaining sequence. The judge shuffles the submitted panel cards, arranges them to create the comic, and reveals the result. Judging: The judge selects the funniest comic from the submissions, and the player who provided the chosen panel card wins the round. Scoring: Players keep track of their won rounds as points, and a new judge is selected for the next round. The game continues with players taking turns being the judge and creating new comics. The humor in "Joking Hazard" is often dark, random, and relies on the unexpected combinations of panel cards to create bizarre and funny scenarios. The game is meant to be lighthearted and is best enjoyed among friends who share a similar sense of humor. The panel cards feature Cyanide & Happiness characters and artwork, which are known for their simple yet distinct style. The game's content can be mature and includes themes that might not be suitable for all audiences, so it's recommended to play with a group that is comfortable with dark and sometimes offensive humor. "Joking Hazard" has been praised for its ability to create spontaneous and hilarious moments, especially when players' panel cards combine in unexpected and absurd ways. It's a game that encourages creativity and quick thinking, as players need to come up with comic combinations that can stand out to the judge's sense of humor. It's important to note that my information might be based on my training data up until September 2021, and there may have been updates, expansions, or changes to "Joking Hazard" since that time. Make sure to check the official Cyanide & Happiness website or other reliable sources for the most current information about the game.